All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an event which depends on the result of asynchronous operations.
Represents a boss bar
Represents a boss bar builder
Represents a color of BossBar
Represents a flag of BossBar
Represents a style of BossBar
Represents a method which may be called once a result has been computed asynchronously.
Events that implement this indicate that they may be cancelled and thus prevented from happening.
Event called when a player sends a message to a server.
Event called to represent an initial client connection.
A command that can be executed by a CommandSender.
This class allows plugins to set their own configuration adapter to load settings from a different place.
Represents a player physically connected to the world hosted on this server.
A proxy connection is defined as a connection directly connected to a socket.
Represents a brand new connection made to the proxy, allowing for plugins to efficiently close a connection, useful for connection throttlers, etc
Dummy class which all callable events must extend.
Favicon shown in the server list.
Event, called when the HAProxy message for a connection has been decoded.
Dummy interface which all event subscribers and listeners must implement.
Class representing the configuration of a server listener.
Represents a event, called when login process is aborted/cancelled by the logging player or the proxy.
Represents a cancel reason
Event called to represent a player logging in.
not handled anymore
Represents a player, which is probably offline.
Represents a user attempting to log into the proxy.
Called when the permission of a CommandSender is checked.
Event, called when player is about to change his position.
internal use only
Called when a player has left the proxy, it is not safe to call any methods that perform an action on the passed player instance.
Event called to represent a player first making their presence and username known.
Represents any Plugin that may be loaded at runtime to enhance existing functionality.
POJO representing the plugin.yml file.
Represents a event, called when a plugin was disabled
Represents a event, called when a plugin was enabled
Class to manage bridging between plugin duties and implementation duties, for example event handling and plugin management.
Event called when a plugin message is sent to the client or server.
Represents a player position
not handled anymore
Event called as soon as a connection has a ProxiedPlayer and is ready to be connected to a server.
Event called to represent a player first making their presence and username known.
Represents a player whose connection is being connected to somewhere else, whether it be a remote or embedded server.
Represents the player's chat state.
Thrown when a command throws an exception
This class is subject to rapid change between releases
Called when the proxy intercepts the command packet allowing for plugins to prevent commands being added to the clients which might not be wanted.
Exception thrown when a server event listener throws an exception
Wrapper exception for all exceptions that are thrown by the server.
Called whenever an exception is thrown in a recoverable section of the server.
Thrown when the internal server throws a recoverable exception.
Called when the proxy is queried for status from the server list.
Thrown whenever there is an exception with any enabling or disabling of plugins.
Wrapper exception for all cases to which a plugin can be immediately blamed for
Thrown when an incoming plugin message channel throws an exception
This event will be posted whenever a Query request is received.
Called when somebody reloads BungeeCord
Thrown when a plugin's scheduler fails with an exception
Called when a tab-complete request throws an exception
Represents a PluginInfo, containing a name and version of a plugin
Represents a registered service provider
Represents a task scheduled for execution by the TaskScheduler.
not handled anymore
not handled anymore
Represents a destination which this proxy might connect to.
Not to be confused with ServerConnectEvent, this event is called once a connection to a server is fully operational, and is about to hand over control of the session to the player.
Called when deciding to connect to a server.
A request to connect a server.
Class that sets default properties/adds methods to the lombok builder generated class.
The result from this callback after request has been executed by proxy.
Called when the player is disconnected from a server, for example during server switching.
Class used to represent a server to connect to.
Represents a player getting kicked from a server.
Represents the standard list data returned by opening a server in the Minecraft client server list, or hitting it with a packet 0xFE.
Called when a player has changed servers.
Represents a service priority
Event, called when a service have got registered
Represents a manager of services, registered by plugins and probably used by other plugins
Event, called when a service have got unregistered
Called after a ProxiedPlayer changed one or more of the following (client-side) settings: View distance Locale Displayed skin parts Chat visibility Chat colors Main hand side (left or right)
Represents a player skin.
Represents a player's skin settings.
Returns the skin provider.
Event called when a player uses tab completion.
Event called when a backend server sends a response to a player asking to tab-complete a chat message or command.
An event which occurs in the communication between two nodes.
This interface represents a scheduler which may be used to queue, delay and execute tasks in an asynchronous fashion.
not handled anymore
Represents a configuration of a title.
Series of utility classes to perform various operations.