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Account - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
An Account is something that holds a balance and is associated with an identifier, which is specific to the account type.
accountAccessor() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Returns the AccountAccessor of this EconomyProvider.
AccountAccessor - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
This is a buffer interface designed to instantiate accessors for player accounts and non-player accounts, through the PlayerAccountAccessor and NonPlayerAccountAccessor classes respectively.
AccountData - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
Objects of this class represent the identity of an Account, which may or may not exist.
AccountPermission - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
Represents an enum, describing all the permissions a player account may have on a non player account.
AccountTransactionEvent - Class in
Represents an event, called when an account does a EconomyTransaction
AccountTransactionEvent(EconomyTransaction, Account) - Constructor for class
add(T) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.SortedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.SortedList
ALL_PERMISSIONS_MAP - Static variable in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Returns a map fulfilled with all AccountPermission with TriState values of TriState.TRUE.
allServicesFor(Class<T>) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Returns a Set copy of all the services found with the provided Class.
asBoolean() - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState
Returns this value as a boolean.


BALANCE - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Allows a player to see the balance of the Account.
build() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Builds the specified stuff into a new EconomyTransaction
Builder() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Builder(EconomyTransaction.Builder) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Creates a new EconomyTransaction.Builder out of the specified other


Cause<T> - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Represents a cause.
Cause.NonPlayer - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Represents a non-player cause.
Cause.Player - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Represents a player cause.
Cause.Plugin - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Represents a plugin cause.
compareTo(EventSubscriber<T>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
compareTo(Service<?>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
complete() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Completes this Completion.
complete(T) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
Successfully completes this completion with the specified result.
completed() - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns a completed Completion
completedExceptionally(Throwable) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns a completed Completion which is exceptionally completed with the specified Throwable error
completedExceptionally(Collection<Throwable>) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns a completed Completion which is exceptionally completed with the specified Collection of Throwables errors
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Completes this Completion exceptionally with the specified Throwable error
completeExceptionally(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Completes this Completion exceptionally with the specified Collection of Throwables errors
completeExceptionally(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
Completes this completion exceptionally with the specified Collection of Throwables errors
completeSubscription() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder
Builds the specified parameters in this builder into a EventSubscriber
Completion - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a state of completion.
Completion() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Creates a new Completion which is not completed.
copy() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Creates a copy of this Builder
Currency - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency
One of Treasury's core features is multi-currency support.


deleteAccount() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Delete data stored for the Account.
DEPOSIT - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Allows a player to deposit on the Account.
DEPOSIT - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionType
The Account's new balance is greater than their previous balance.
depositBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Deposit an amount into the Account balance.
depositBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Deposit an amount into the Account balance.
depositBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance, String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Deposit an amount into the Account balance.
doTransaction(EconomyTransaction) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Does a EconomyTransaction on this account.


EconomyProvider - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy
Implementors providing and managing economy data create a class which implements this interface to be registered in Treasury's Services API.
EconomyTransaction - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction
Represents a transaction, made by an Account.
EconomyTransaction(String, Cause<?>, Temporal, EconomyTransactionType, String, BigDecimal, EconomyTransactionImportance) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Creates a new account transaction object.
EconomyTransaction.Builder - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction
Represents a builder of EconomyTransaction
EconomyTransactionImportance - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction
Allocates a certain 'importance' to a EconomyTransaction, which could be useful information for the economy provider and consumers which process the transaction.
EconomyTransactionType - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction
Denotes which type of transaction occured in a EconomyTransaction.
equals(Cause<?>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Check whether this Cause equals the provided cause.
equals(Cause<?>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause.NonPlayer
Check whether this Cause equals the provided cause.
equals(Cause<?>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause.Player
Check whether this Cause equals the provided cause.
equals(Cause<?>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause.Plugin
Check whether this Cause equals the provided cause.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
EventBus - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents an event bus.
EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder<T> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a builder of a EventSubscriber
eventClass() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Returns the event class this subscriber has a subscription to.
EventPriority - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a priority of an EventSubscriber.
EventSubscriber<T> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a subscriber of an event.
EventSubscriber(Class<T>) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
EventSubscriber(Class<T>, EventPriority) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber


failedFuture(Throwable) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.FutureHelper
A helper method to create exceptionally completed futures.
FALSE - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState
findCurrency(String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Used to find a currency based on a specific identifier.
findCurrencyByDisplayName(String, BigDecimal, Locale) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Used to find a currency based on its display name.
fire(T) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
Calls/Fires the EventSubscribers of the specified event
FireCompletion<T> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a Completion which is used when an event is fired.
FireCompletion() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
format(BigDecimal, Locale) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Translates the given amount to a human-readable representation as a formatted string.
format(BigDecimal, Locale, int) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Used to translate an amount to a user readable format with the specified amount of decimal places.
forNonPlayerAccount(NamespacedKey) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountData
Creates an AccountData object representing the identity of a non-player account.
forPlayerAccount(UUID) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountData
Creates an AccountData object representing the identity of a player account.
fromBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState
Returns a TriState from the specified Boolean value, which may be null.
fromString(String) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
Creates a new NamespacedKey via the specified namespacedKey String , formatted in a way of such: "(namespace):(key)"
functional(Class<T>, EventPriority, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
Creates a new SimpleEventSubscriber via a Consumer function.
functional(Class<T>, EventPriority, Function<T, Completion>) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Creates a new EventSubscriber via a Function
FutureHelper - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc
A utility class to help with completable futures.
FutureHelper() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.FutureHelper


genericGet() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
Does the same as what NonPlayerAccountAccessor.get() does, but returns a generic Account interface, rather a specific NonPlayerAccount interface.
genericGet() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor
Does the same as what PlayerAccountAccessor.get() does, but returns a generic Account interface, rather a specific PlayerAccount interface.
get() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
Returns the held service.
get() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
Gets or creates the non player account needed.
get() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor
Gets or creates the player account needed.
getAccount() - Method in class
Returns the Account for this account event.
getAccount() - Method in class
Returns the Account for this account event.
getAccount() - Method in class
Returns the Account for this account event.
getAmount() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Get the transaction amount.
getCause() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the Cause of this EconomyTransaction
getConversionRate() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Get the conversion rate of this Currency.
getCurrencies() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Used to get a set of every Currency object for the server.
getCurrencyId() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the Currency's identifier with which the transaction was made.
getDecimal(Locale) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets the currency's decimal character for the specified locale to be used for formatting purposes.
getDisplayName(BigDecimal, Locale) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets this Currency's user-friendly display name, based on the specified BigDecimal value.
getErrors() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns the errors this Completion got completed with.
getIdentifier() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor.NonPlayerAccountCreateContext
Returns the identifier of the non player account created/retrieved.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets the unique non-user friendly identifier for the currency.
getImportance() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the importance of the transaction.
getKey() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
Returns the key this NamespacedKey holds.
getLocaleDecimalMap() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Returns an immutable Map of each available decimal character, mapped by the locale it belongs to.
getMessage(Locale) - Method in exception me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response.TreasuryException
Get a localized message.
getName() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor.NonPlayerAccountCreateContext
Returns the (new) name of the non player account created.
getName() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Returns the name of this Account, if specified.
getNamespace() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
Returns the namespace this NamespacedKey holds.
getNonPlayerIdentifier() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountData
If the current AccountData object represents a non-player account, this method will return the NamespacedKey identifier of the account.
getOrCreate(NonPlayerAccountAccessor.NonPlayerAccountCreateContext) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
getOrCreate(PlayerAccountAccessor.PlayerAccountCreateContext) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor
getPlayerIdentifier() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountData
If the current AccountData object represents a player account, this method will return the UUID of the account.
getPrecision() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets the currency's precision of fractional digits when formatting this currency.
getPrimaryCurrency() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Get the primary or main Currency of the economy.
getPrimaryCurrencyId() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Get the String identifier of the primary or main Currency of the economy.
getReason() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the reason message of why this transaction happened.
getService() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event.ServiceRegisteredEvent
Returns the Service which has been registered
getService() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event.ServiceUnregisteredEvent
Returns the Service which has been unregistered.
getStartingBalance(Account) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets the starting balance of the specified account for this particular Currency.
getSymbol() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Gets the currency's symbol.
getTimestamp() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the time at which this Transaction was made.
getTransaction() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
Returns the transaction type.
getUniqueId() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor.PlayerAccountCreateContext
Returns the unique identifier of the player account created/retrieved.


hasAccount(AccountData) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Request whether the specified AccountData has an associated Account.
hashCode() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
hasPermissions(UUID, AccountPermission...) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Checks whether given player has the given permissions on this account.
hasPermissions(UUID, AccountPermission...) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Checks whether given player has the given permissions on this account.
hasRegistration(Class<?>) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Returns whether the specified service class has a registration.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is of high importance and must have one of the final says in what happens to the event.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServicePriority
HIGH - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionImportance
The associated EconomyTransaction is of high importance.
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is of highest importance and must have one of the final says in what happens to the event.


identifier() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Returns the identifier of the cause.
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
isCompleted() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns whether this Completion is completed.
isMember(UUID) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Check if the specified user is a member of the account.
isMember(UUID) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Check if the specified user is a member of the account.
isPlayerAccount() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountData
Returns whether this account data holds a player account or non-player account data.
isPrimary() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Checks if this Currency is the primary currency to use of the economy provider this Currency originated from.


join(Completion...) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Returns a Completion which is a summary from all the specified Completions other.
joinAndFilter(Function<T, CompletableFuture<TriState>>, Collection<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.FutureHelper
Does exactly what FutureHelper.mapJoinFilter(Function, Function, Collection) does except that it doesn't map data types.


LOW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is of low importance and should be run as one of the first, to allow other subscribers to further customise the outcome.
LOW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServicePriority
LOW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionImportance
The associated EconomyTransaction is of low importance.
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call can be considered "lowest" importance and should be run first, to allow other subscribers to further customise the outcome.


mapJoinFilter(Function<A, CompletableFuture<TriState>>, Function<A, B>, Collection<CompletableFuture<A>>) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.FutureHelper
Maps, joins, and filters futures.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Holds API classes that are meant to be utilized across multiple APIs.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Holds Treasury's event handler.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc
Holds classes which are not of a very high importance, but are still important.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response
Holds classes which are fundamental for Treasury's response system.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service
Holds classes that facilitate the registration of services in Treasury.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event
Holds various service events.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy
Holds Treasury's economy API.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
Holds accounts and account related classes.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency
Holds classes which are directly connected with currencies. - package
Holds economy related events e.g.
me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction - package me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction
Holds classes for the fundamental transaction system Treasury economy API provides.
MODIFY_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Allows a player to modify the permissions of other players on a Account


NamespacedKey - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common
Represents a namespaced key, used for unique identification of any so-called "non-player" object the Treasury APIs have.
newBuilder() - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction
nonPlayer() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.AccountAccessor
Creates a new instance of a non-player account accessor
nonPlayer(NamespacedKey) - Static method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Creates a new account cause with a key as a non-player identifier.
NonPlayerAccount - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
Represents a non-player account.
NonPlayerAccountAccessor - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
Provides access to non-player accounts.
NonPlayerAccountAccessor() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
NonPlayerAccountAccessor.NonPlayerAccountCreateContext - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
Represents a class, holder of data, needed to create/retrieve a NonPlayerAccount
NonPlayerAccountCreateContext(NamespacedKey, String) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor.NonPlayerAccountCreateContext
NonPlayerAccountTransactionEvent - Class in
Represents an event, called when a NonPlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
NonPlayerAccountTransactionEvent(EconomyTransaction, NonPlayerAccount) - Constructor for class
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither important nor unimportant, and may be run normally.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServicePriority
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionImportance
The associated EconomyTransaction is of normal importance.


of(String, String) - Static method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
Creates a new NamespacedKey.
onEvent(T) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Treasury's EventBus calls this method whenever a occurs with the event this subscription listens for.
onEvent(T) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
Treasury's EventBus calls this method whenever a occurs with the event this subscription listens for.


ParallelProcessing - Annotation Type in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Tells the EventBus that for the annotated event can process the EventSubscriber calls in parallel.
parse(String, Locale) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Converts a formatted amount string (i.e., one generated via Currency.format(BigDecimal, Locale)) into the BigDecimal value it represents, according to the specified locale (nullable).
player() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.AccountAccessor
Creates a new instance of a player account accesor
player(UUID) - Static method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Creates a new player cause with the player unique id as an identifier.
PlayerAccount - Interface in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account
A PlayerAccount is an account owned by a Player.
PlayerAccountAccessor - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
Provides access to player accounts.
PlayerAccountAccessor() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor
PlayerAccountAccessor.PlayerAccountCreateContext - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor
Represents a class, holder of data, needed to create/retrieve a PlayerAccount
PlayerAccountCreateContext(UUID) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor.PlayerAccountCreateContext
PlayerAccountTransactionEvent - Class in
Represents an event, called when a PlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
PlayerAccountTransactionEvent(EconomyTransaction, PlayerAccount) - Constructor for class
plugin(NamespacedKey) - Static method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Creates a new plugin cause with a key as a plugin identifier.
POST_LOW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither low, nor of normal importance, and shall be run in-between.
POST_NORMAL - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event shall be called after normal, but not with the high(est) importance.
PRE_HIGH - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither of high importance, nor of normal, and shall be run in-between.
PRE_HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither high, nor of highest importance, and shall be run in-between.
PRE_LOW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither lowest, nor of low importance, and shall eb run in-between.
priority() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Returns the EventPriority of this subscriber.
priority() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
Returns the ServicePriority at which this service was registered.


register() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
A utility method for registering this event subscriber into the event bus.
registerCurrency(Currency) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Used to register a currency with the EconomyProvider to be utilized by other plugins.
registerService(Class<T>, T, String, ServicePriority) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Register a provider of a service.
registrarName() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
Returns a String identifier of who registered this service.
resetBalance(Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Reset the Account balance to its starting amount.
resetBalance(Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance, String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Reset the Account balance to its starting amount.
retrieveAllAccountsPlayerHasPermissions(UUID, AccountPermission...) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Request all the non-player accounts where the given player has the given permissions.
retrieveAllAccountsPlayerIsMemberOf(UUID) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Request all non player accounts the given player is a member of.
retrieveBalance(Currency) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Request the balance of the Account.
retrieveHeldCurrencies() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Returns the Currencies this Account holds balance for.
retrieveMemberIds() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Request a listing of all member players of the account.
retrieveMemberIds() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Request a listing of all member players of the account.
retrieveNonPlayerAccountIds() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Request all identifiers with associated NonPlayer Accounts.
retrievePermissions(UUID) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Request the AccountPermissions for the specified UUID player.
retrievePermissions(UUID) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Request the AccountPermissions for the specified UUID player.
retrievePermissionsMap() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Returns a nested Map, with the permissions of each account member.
retrievePermissionsMap() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Returns a nested Map, with the permissions of each account member.
retrievePlayerAccountIds() - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Request all UUIDs with associated PlayerAccounts.
retrieveTransactionHistory(int) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Request the EconomyTransaction history, limited by the transactionCount, of this Account.
retrieveTransactionHistory(int, Temporal, Temporal) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Request the EconomyTransaction history, limited by the transactionCount and the Temporal from and Temporal to, of this Account.


SERVER - Static variable in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.Cause
Returns the server cause instance.
Service<T> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service
Represents a service.
Service(String, ServicePriority, T) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
serviceFor(Class<T>) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Queries for a service with the specified Class.
ServicePriority - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service
Represents a priority of a service.
ServiceRegisteredEvent - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event
An event, called whenever a Service has been registered
ServiceRegisteredEvent(Service<?>) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event.ServiceRegisteredEvent
ServiceRegistry - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service
Represents the place where services are registered and unregistered.
ServiceUnregisteredEvent - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event
An event, called whenever a Service has been unregistered
ServiceUnregisteredEvent(Service<?>) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.event.ServiceUnregisteredEvent
SET - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionType
The Account's balance is adjusted to a specified value.
setName(String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Sets a new name for this Account, which may be null.
setName(String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Sets a new name for this Account, which may be null.
setPermissions(UUID, Map<AccountPermission, TriState>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Modifies the permissions, specified in the inputted permissionMap for the specified UUID player.
setPermissions(UUID, Map<AccountPermission, TriState>) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.PlayerAccount
Modifies the permissions, specified in the inputted permissionMap for the specified UUID player.
setPermissions(UUID, TriState, AccountPermission...) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Modifies the state of the specified AccountPermission permissions for the specified UUID player.
SimpleEventSubscriber<T> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event
Represents a simple event subscriber.
SimpleEventSubscriber(Class<T>) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
SimpleEventSubscriber(Class<T>, EventPriority) - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
SortedList<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc
Represents a sorted list.
SortedList() - Constructor for class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.SortedList
subscribe(EventSubscriber<T>) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
Subscribes this EventSubscriber for calling whenever the event the specified subscription is listening for gets fired.
subscribe(T) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
Treasury's EventBus calls this method whenever a occurs with the event this subscription listens for.
subscriptionFor(Class<T>) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
Creates a EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder for the specified eventClass


to(Currency, BigDecimal) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.currency.Currency
Used to convert this Currency to another based on the Currency.getConversionRate() of this Currency and the specified one.
toString() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
toString() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.SimpleEventSubscriber
toString() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.NamespacedKey
toString() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.Service
TreasuryException - Exception in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response
Represents a RuntimeException, indicating failure, without a stacktrace.
TreasuryException(String) - Constructor for exception me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response.TreasuryException
Create a new TreasuryException
TreasuryException(Function<Locale, String>) - Constructor for exception me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.response.TreasuryException
Create a new TreasuryException with a Function that provides a localized message.
TriState - Enum in me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc
Represents an enum, containing 3 enum values, representing states, hence the name "TriState".
TRUE - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState


unregister(Class<?>, Object) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Unregister a particular service.
unregisterAll(String) - Method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Unregister all services from a particular registrar.
unregisterCurrency(Currency) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.EconomyProvider
Used to un-register a currency with the EconomyProvider.
UNSPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServicePriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionImportance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.misc.TriState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServicePriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.service.ServiceRegistry
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionImportance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitCompletion() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Waits for this Completion to complete.
waitCompletion() - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
Waits for this completion to complete and prints all the errors if this completion got completed exceptionally.
whenCalled(Consumer<T>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder
Specifies the action to do whenever the event the currently building EventSubscriber subscribes for gets fired.
whenCalled(Function<T, Completion>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder
Specifies the action to do whenever the event the currently building EventSubscriber subscribes for gets fired with the ability to block event execution until an asynchronous task finishes.
whenComplete(Consumer<Collection<Throwable>>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.Completion
Runs the specified Consumer task when this Completion completes.
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<T, Collection<Throwable>>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
Runs the specified BiConsumer task asynchronously when this completion completes.
whenCompleteBlocking(BiConsumer<T, Collection<Throwable>>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.FireCompletion
Runs the specified BiConsumer task when this completion completes.
withAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the amount this transaction is going to either EconomyTransactionType.WITHDRAWAL or EconomyTransactionType.DEPOSIT
withCause(Cause<?>) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the Cause the transaction got triggered by.
withCurrency(Currency) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the Currency the transaction was made in.
withCurrencyId(String) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the identifier of a Currency the transaction was made in.
WITHDRAW - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.AccountPermission
Allows a player to withdraw from the Account.
WITHDRAWAL - Enum constant in enum me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransactionType
The Account's new balance is less than their previous balance.
withdrawBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Withdraw an amount from the Account balance.
withdrawBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Withdraw an amount from the Account balance.
withdrawBalance(BigDecimal, Cause<?>, Currency, EconomyTransactionImportance, String) - Method in interface me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.Account
Withdraw an amount from the Account balance.
withIdentifier(NamespacedKey) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
Specifies the NamespacedKey identifier of the accessed/created non player account
withImportance(EconomyTransactionImportance) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the importance this transaction should have.
withName(String) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.NonPlayerAccountAccessor
Specifies the name of the accessed/created non-player account.
withPriority(EventPriority) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.common.event.EventBus.EventSubscriberBuilder
Specifies the EventPriority of the currently building EventSubscriber
withReason(String) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify a reason for this transaction.
withTimestamp(Temporal) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the time when the transaction got triggered.
withType(EconomyTransactionType) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.transaction.EconomyTransaction.Builder
Specify the EconomyTransactionType transactionType of the transaction.
withUniqueId(UUID) - Method in class me.lokka30.treasury.api.economy.account.accessor.PlayerAccountAccessor
Specifies the unique id of the account owner
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