All Classes and Interfaces

An Account is something that holds a balance and is associated with an identifier, which is specific to the account type.
This is a buffer interface designed to instantiate accessors for player accounts and non-player accounts, through the PlayerAccountAccessor and NonPlayerAccountAccessor classes respectively.
Objects of this class represent the identity of an Account, which may or may not exist.
Represents an enum, describing all the permissions a player account may have on a non player account.
Represents an event, called when an account does a EconomyTransaction
Represents a cause.
Represents a non-player cause.
Represents a player cause.
Represents a plugin cause.
Represents a state of completion.
One of Treasury's core features is multi-currency support.
Implementors providing and managing economy data create a class which implements this interface to be registered in Treasury's Services API.
Represents a transaction, made by an Account.
Represents a builder of EconomyTransaction
Allocates a certain 'importance' to a EconomyTransaction, which could be useful information for the economy provider and consumers which process the transaction.
Denotes which type of transaction occured in a EconomyTransaction.
Represents an event bus.
Represents a builder of a EventSubscriber
Represents a priority of an EventSubscriber.
Represents a subscriber of an event.
Represents a Completion which is used when an event is fired.
A utility class to help with completable futures.
Represents a namespaced key, used for unique identification of any so-called "non-player" object the Treasury APIs have.
Represents a non-player account.
Provides access to non-player accounts.
Represents a class, holder of data, needed to create/retrieve a NonPlayerAccount
Represents an event, called when a NonPlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
Tells the EventBus that for the annotated event can process the EventSubscriber calls in parallel.
A PlayerAccount is an account owned by a Player.
Provides access to player accounts.
Represents a class, holder of data, needed to create/retrieve a PlayerAccount
Represents an event, called when a PlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
Represents a service.
Represents a priority of a service.
An event, called whenever a Service has been registered
Represents the place where services are registered and unregistered.
An event, called whenever a Service has been unregistered
Represents a simple event subscriber.
Represents a sorted list.
Represents a RuntimeException, indicating failure, without a stacktrace.
Represents an enum, containing 3 enum values, representing states, hence the name "TriState".