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- add(String, String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
Mark the statement to add a column with the specified column name and column type
- alterColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
Make the statement to modify the specified column name's type to the specified new type.
- AlterStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an "ALTER" sql statement.
- AlterStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
- alterTable() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "ALTER" query object.
- appendConfigurationInfo(HikariConfig) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- appendConfigurationInfo(HikariConfig) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.PostgreSQLConnectionFactory
- appendProperties(HikariConfig, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- appendProperties(HikariConfig, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MariaDBConnectionFactory
- appendProperties(HikariConfig, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MySQLConnectionFactory
- appendProperties(HikariConfig, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.PostgreSQLConnectionFactory
- async() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Executes the completion stage asynchronously without providing a callback.
- async(Consumer<T>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Executes the completion stage asynchronously if async executor is present
- async(Consumer<T>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Executes the completion stage asynchronously if async executor is present, also providing you with onError consumer.
- call() - Method in interface com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.ThrowableHolder.ThrowableCallable
- close() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- close() - Method in interface com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.SQLConnectionFactory
Closes the connection factory, closing all the alive connections
- close() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Closes the connection to the remote database.
- columns(String...) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.CreateStatement
Mark the columns the table is going to have
- columns(String...) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.InsertStatement
Mark the columns of the table which we're going to insert.
- columns(String...) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Mark which columns we should select.
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement
- com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result - package com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result
- complete(BiConsumer<T, Throwable>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Completes the statement synchronously, providing you with a combined callback for error and value.
- completeAsync(BiConsumer<T, Throwable>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Completes the statement asynchronously, providing you with a combined callback for error and value.
- connect() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- connect() - Method in interface com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.SQLConnectionFactory
Connects to the remote server.
- connect() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Connects to the remote database.
- ConnectionConfig - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper
Represents a connection config, for specifying connection data.
- ConnectionConfig() - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
- ConnectionConfig(ConnectionType, String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
- ConnectionType - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper
Represents a type of connection.
- ConnectionType(String) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
- create() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" query object.
- CreateStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an "CREATE" sql statement
- CreateStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.CreateStatement
- credentials - Variable in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- defaultValues() - Static method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
Returns the default values as an array.
- delete() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "DELETE" query object.
- DeleteStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an "DELETE" sql statement
- DeleteStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DeleteStatement
- dropColumn(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
Mark the statement to drop the column specified.
- DropStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents a "DROP" sql statement, usually used to delete tables.
- DropStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DropStatement
- dropTable() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "DROP" query object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
- everything() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Mark that we should select every value in the table.
- executeQuery() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Executes the query.
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
Executes the update
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.CreateStatement
Executes the update
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DeleteStatement
Executes the update.
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DropStatement
Executes the update.
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.TruncateStatement
Executes the update.
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.UpdateStatement
Executes the update.
- executeUpdate(Object...) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.InsertStatement
Executes the update.
- forEach(Consumer<? super StatementResult>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResultSet
- from(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DeleteStatement
Mark the table from which we're going to delete.
- from(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Mark the table from which we're going to select
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResult
Returns the column's value specified as a boolean
- getConnection() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- getConnection() - Method in interface com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.SQLConnectionFactory
Retrieves connection to the connected remote server / file.
- getConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Returns the
, which corresponds to the specifiedConnectionType
- getConnectionType() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the connection type, which we're gonna attempt to connect with.
- getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the name of the database.
- getDriverClass() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- getDriverClass() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MariaDBConnectionFactory
- getDriverClass() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MySQLConnectionFactory
- getIp() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the ip of the sql server.
- getKnownConnectionTypes() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Returns an unmodifiable
, containing all knownConnectionTypes
- getName() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
Returns the type name of the connection.
- getNumber(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResult
Returns the column's value specified as a number
- getObject(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResult
Returns the column's value specified as a raw object.
- getPassword() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the password, with which we're gonna try to authenticate with the sql server.
- getPort() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the port of the ip, which represents the sql server.
- getResults() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResultSet
Returns a unmodifiable list of the results queried.
- getString(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResult
Returns the column's value specified as a string.
- getUsername() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Returns the username, with which we're gonna try to authenticate with the sql server.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
- HikariConnectionFactory - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation
- HikariConnectionFactory(ConnectionConfig) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.HikariConnectionFactory
- ifExists() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DropStatement
Marks the statement to execute only if the specified table exists.
- insert() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "INSERT" query object.
- InsertStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an sql "INSERT" statement
- InsertStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.InsertStatement
- into(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.InsertStatement
Mark the table where we're going to insert.
- isRegistered(ConnectionType) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Returns whenever the specified
is already registered. - iterator() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResultSet
- limit(int) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Mark the results limit.
- MARIADB - Static variable in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
Connection type: MariaDB ; for connecting to mariadb servers.
- MariaDBConnectionFactory - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation
- MariaDBConnectionFactory(ConnectionConfig) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MariaDBConnectionFactory
- MYSQL - Static variable in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
Connection type: MySQL ; for connecting to mysql servers.
- MySQLConnectionFactory - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation
- MySQLConnectionFactory(ConnectionConfig) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.MySQLConnectionFactory
- POSTGRESQL - Static variable in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
Connection type: PostgreSQL ; for connecting to postgresql servers.
- PostgreSQLConnectionFactory - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation
- PostgreSQLConnectionFactory(ConnectionConfig) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection.implementation.PostgreSQLConnectionFactory
- registerConnectionFactory(ConnectionType, SQLConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Registers a new connection factory
- run() - Method in interface com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.ThrowableHolder.ThrowableRunnable
- select() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "SELECT" query object.
- SelectStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an sql "SELECT" statement
- SelectStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
- setAsyncExecutor(Executor) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Sets a new
for async queries. - setConnectionConfig(ConnectionConfig) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Sets a new
. - setConnectionType(ConnectionType) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new connection type
- setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new database name.
- setIp(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new ip to use for sql server connection.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new password
- setPort(int) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new port
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionConfig
Sets a new username
- spliterator() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResultSet
- SQLConnectionFactory - Interface in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.connection
Represents a SQL connection factory, for maintaining different connection types.
- SQLHelper - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper
Represents the heart of the library "SQLHelper".
- SQLHelper() - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
- SQLHelper(ConnectionConfig, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new instance of this class.
- SQLHelper(Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
- StatementCompletionStage<T> - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement
Represents a statement completion stage.
- StatementCompletionStage(ThrowableHolder.ThrowableCallable<T>, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
- StatementCompletionStage(ThrowableHolder.ThrowableRunnable, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
- StatementResult - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result
Represents a statement result, featuring one row of all the columns a table has.
- StatementResult(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResult
- StatementResultSet - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result
Represents a SELECT statement's result set.
- StatementResultSet(List<StatementResult>) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.result.StatementResultSet
- sync() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Executes the completion stage synchronously
- sync(Function<Throwable, T>) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement.StatementCompletionStage
Executes the completion stage synchronously, providing callback to onError
- table(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.AlterStatement
Mark the statement to execute for the specified table.
- table(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DropStatement
Marks the statement to drop the specified table.
- table(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.TruncateStatement
Mark the table that we're going to truncate
- tableName(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.CreateStatement
Mark the name of the created table.
- tableName(String) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.UpdateStatement
Mark the table name which we're going to update it's values.
- ThrowableHolder - Interface in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement
Represents a holder for throwable utilities.
- ThrowableHolder.ThrowableCallable<T> - Interface in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement
Represents a throwable callable, a
which's functional method isThrowableHolder.ThrowableCallable.call()
, which can throw anSQLException
- ThrowableHolder.ThrowableRunnable - Interface in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.executement
Represents a throwable runnable, a
which's functional method isThrowableHolder.ThrowableRunnable.run()
, which can throw anSQLException
- toString() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.ConnectionType
- truncate() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "TRUNCATE" query object.
- TruncateStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an sql "TRUNCATE" statement
- TruncateStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.TruncateStatement
- update() - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.SQLHelper
Creates a new "UPDATE" query object.
- UpdateStatement - Class in com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement
Represents an sql "UPDATE" statement
- UpdateStatement(SQLConnectionFactory, Executor) - Constructor for class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.UpdateStatement
- values(String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.UpdateStatement
Mark the values we're going to update
- where(String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.DeleteStatement
Mark the sql statement's "where" values
- where(String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.SelectStatement
Mark the condition which the select should follow.
- where(String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.mrivanplays.sqlhelper.statement.UpdateStatement
Mark the update condition the statement should follow.
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