All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AlterStatement Represents an "ALTER" sql statement.ConnectionConfig Represents a connection config, for specifying connection data.ConnectionType Represents a type of connection.CreateStatement Represents an "CREATE" sql statementDeleteStatement Represents an "DELETE" sql statementDropStatement Represents a "DROP" sql statement, usually used to delete tables.HikariConnectionFactory InsertStatement Represents an sql "INSERT" statementMariaDBConnectionFactory MySQLConnectionFactory PostgreSQLConnectionFactory SelectStatement Represents an sql "SELECT" statementSQLConnectionFactory Represents a SQL connection factory, for maintaining different connection types.SQLHelper Represents the heart of the library "SQLHelper".StatementCompletionStage<T> Represents a statement completion stage.StatementResult Represents a statement result, featuring one row of all the columns a table has.StatementResultSet Represents a SELECT statement's result set.ThrowableHolder Represents a holder for throwable utilities.ThrowableHolder.ThrowableCallable<T> Represents a throwable callable, aFunctionalInterface
which's functional method
, which can throw anSQLException
ThrowableHolder.ThrowableRunnable Represents a throwable runnable, aFunctionalInterface
which's functional method
, which can throw anSQLException
TruncateStatement Represents an sql "TRUNCATE" statementUpdateStatement Represents an sql "UPDATE" statement