All Classes and Interfaces

An Account is something that holds a balance and is associated with something bound by a UUID.
Enum that holds the permissions of an Account that is shared among multiple players.
Represents an event, called when an account does a EconomyTransaction
An interface, which can be implemented by events which should be cancellable.
Represents a state of completion.
One of Treasury's core features is multi-currency support.
API versions are no longer used as of Treasury v1.1.0.
An exception for economic problems.
Implementors providing and managing economy data create a class which implements this interface to be registered in the specific platform they're implementing it for.
An interface accepting responses from an economic provider.
Represents a transaction, made by an Account.
Represents a builder of EconomyTransaction
Allocates a certain 'importance' to a EconomyTransaction, which could be useful information for the economy provider and consumers which process the transaction.
Represents an initiator of EconomyTransaction.
Represents a EconomyTransactionInitiator type.
Denotes which type of transaction occured in a EconomyTransaction.
Represents an event bus.
Represents a builder of a EventSubscriber
Represents a priority of an EventSubscriber.
Represents a subscriber of an event.
A class that represents a description for a fail-case scenario when an action is attempted.
Represents a Completion which is used when an event is fired.
A utility class to help with CompletableFuture stuff
This is used to differentiate between a player account and an account that is not associated with a player.
Represents an event, called when a NonPlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
Economy Providers may support these specific features at their own option.
A PlayerAccount is an Account owned by a Player.
Represents an event, called when a PlayerAccount does a EconomyTransaction
Represents a service.
Represents a priority of a service.
An event, called whenever a Service has been registered
Represents the place where services are registered and unregistered.
An event, called whenever a Service has been unregistered
Represents a simple event subscriber.
Represents a sorted list.
An interface accepting responses from a provider.
The base class for exceptions thrown in Treasury's APIs, such as the EconomyException.
Represents an enum, containing 3 enum values, representing states, hence the name "TriState".