Uses of Class
Uses of Command in com.mrivanplays.ivancord.api.command
Uses of Command in io.github.waterfallmc.waterfall.event
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProxyDefineCommandsEvent.getCommands()
The map of commands to be sent to the playerModifierConstructorDescriptionProxyDefineCommandsEvent
(Connection sender, Connection receiver, Map<String, Command> commands) -
Uses of Command in io.github.waterfallmc.waterfall.exception
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProxyCommandException.getCommand()
Gets the command which threw the exceptionModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) ProxyCommandException
(String message, Throwable cause, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) ProxyCommandException
(Throwable cause, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) protected
(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) ProxyTabCompleteException
(String message, Throwable cause, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) ProxyTabCompleteException
(Throwable cause, Command command, CommandSender commandSender, String[] arguments) -
Uses of Command in net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPluginManager.getCommand
(String name) Deprecated.internal use only in order to support waterfall's ProxyDefineCommandsEventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPluginManager.getCommands()
Get an unmodifiable collection of all registered commands.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Plugin plugin, Command command) Register a command so that it may be executed.void
(Command command) Unregister a command so it will no longer be executed. -
Uses of Command in net.md_5.bungee.command